Consulting & Programs.

Professional development for men

Creating Happy, Healthy & High Performing Leaders

  • Are your partners experiencing burnout, stress, and generally unhappy at work?
  • Do you see a decline in engagement, productivity and profitability?
  • Is workplace morale and retention being impacted by unhealthy and unhappy leaders?
  • Do you want to encourage and promote sustainable high performance?


If so, you’re in the right place. The Business of You provides the support and programs your firm needs to overcome these challenges by igniting professional and personal purpose and passion so that your people become the best leaders, mentors and role models for themselves, their families, teams and organisation.

Let us help your organisation thrive by prioritising the well-being of your employees and leaders.


Workshops and Programs Include


Gerard Petersen

Many men juggle an outwardly successful career and life facade.

But inwardly they are struggling, unhappy and in great turmoil.

My mission is to break that disconnect and facilitate greater meaning and alignment in the careers of male leaders so they are happier, healthier and high performing creating a positive wellbeing ripple effect through their teams and organisations.

Training law & accounting firms

Programs & Workshops

Championing men in Law & Accounting to find greater purpose and success in their careers and partnerships

Developing High Performing
& Healthy Teams

Based on The Business of You Wellbeing and Career management framework, participants will develop a deep awareness of the 4 intersecting domains and why each is critical to sucessfully crafting a sustainable, high performing career and a happier more purposeful life.

1:1 Human Centred Talent Management Consulting

For human-centered organisations wanting a more holistic and healthy approach to employee wellbeing and talent management that is bespoke and centered on the individual and their idiosyncratic career needs.

Crossroads to Clarity
for Leaders

This program is a confidential program for law and accounting firm leaders when they feel wedged at a critical mid-career and life crossroad.